great brands.

Raising brand value is just the starting point for POROROCA; our unwavering mission is to transform brands into industry-leading innovators. We leverage the synergy between marketing and branding to the utmost extent, fundamentally resolving our clients' brand management issues. Our approach transcends the mere framework of design, offering a multi-faceted and groundbreaking strategy that elevates our clients' ability to 'sell' and 'be known' to the ultimate level.

Our design journey began with a profound fascination for the magic of beautiful shapes and colors, striving to bring smiles to our clients' faces. This passion found deeper meaning through a unique project that came our way.

A client's request went beyond just a beautiful logo design. They sought to embody the story, history, and emotions concealed behind the logo. This challenge ignited a fire in us, making us realize that design is more than just visuals—it's a medium to convey a story that plants seeds of inspiration in people's hearts.

In this age of information overflow, we firmly believe that narratives resonating deep within one's heart truly shape the value of a brand. These narratives encapsulate the brand's passion, the underlying emotions, and the vision for the future.

At POROROCA, we have evolved from mere designers to storytellers of brands. With this burning passion, we continue our battle to enhance brand value by directing branding and marketing from the perspective of our client's customers.

Elevating brand strength through design thinking.

WhoOur Accumulated Experience


Experience and Educational Background
in Branding Design


Brand Consultant Performance Metrics

Years of experience are
proportional to expertise.

For seventeen years, I've been engaged in branding consultancy, design production, and education at the university level. Working hand in hand with corporate leaders and public relations officials, we've poured our heart into enhancing brand strength. Our experience transcends mere numbers. The collaborative work and its results with each client stand as our most cherished accomplishments.

HowOur Approach


Total Branding Thinking

Creative direction executed on the twin axes of marketing and branding revolutionizes brand management.

Our approach is consistent. Alongside our clients, we nurture the brand while providing multifaceted support for both its strategic and creative aspects. We integrate marketing and branding, and from our unique creative direction, we unfold the brand’s value proposition, positioning, visual elements, and communication strategy.
→ Total Branding Thinking

WhatOur Method


Branding Design Quality (BDQ)

With our uniquely developed evaluation axis, we enhance the quality of design, leading to an increase in brand value.

Using our unique branding design evaluation criteria, we objectively judge the strength and expressiveness of a brand's visual information. This enables us to design branding that is easily accessible and loved by customers.
→ BDQ (Branding Design Quality)